Bridge Group

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Inclusive recruitment toolkit for the screen industries

Inclusive recruitment toolkit for the screen industries

This new toolkit offers organisations in the screen industries a step-by-step approach to improving diversity

Recruitment in the screen industries needs to change – and this toolkit, produced by the Bridge Group and commissioned by Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN), shows that change is possible.

The toolkit reviews the latest evidence to identify inequalities in the sector in relation to gender identity, ethnic background, socio-economic background and geography. It provides valuable insight into the underlying challenges, gleaned from a series of expert interviews with senior people working in the sector.

Most importantly, the toolkit identifies solutions. It highlights national and regional examples of good practice; presenting practical step-by-step advice on improving diversity and inclusion in relation to hiring, progression, outreach, culture, data collection and geography. Options are tailored to the size of an organisation.

These alternative approaches will help the screen industries to move away from the currently widespread reliance on informal recruitment practices and trusted networks. The toolkit also suggests how to change the organisational structure of the screen industries and the project-based nature of contracts. Inclusive recruitment practice, in this wider sense, is a vital tool in improving diversity in the screen industries.

Download the toolkit from the SIGN website

Get a summary of the toolkit’s findings, case studies and action plan